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Making a transaction (printing labels)


Here are the steps you need to take to print labels (that is, make a transaction).


In addition to having installed and activated the software, to make a transaction you need to:


  1. Run Gesvatec and log in to the software.
  2. Go to the Transactions screen.
  3. Click the "new transaction" button.
  4. In the Denomination drop-down list, select the denomination or brand of which you want to print labels.
  5. In the Designation drop-down list, select the desired farm or plot.
    Tip: To perform a print test, or if it's the first time you use the software, select the Example Plot designation. This will print test labels.
  6. Select the Packaging.
  7. In the Labels box, enter the number of labels you wish to print.
  8. Optional: If you want the country of destination code on the labels, check the Set destination checkbox and choose a country or region from the drop-down list.
  9. Click the print button. A confirmation message will show up, asking if you want to print the labels. After clicking to accept the message, the printer will start printing the labels.
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